We had a great first meeting of 2017 last week! Thanks to all who came, but don’t worry if you missed it, there’s lots of ways to do your bit going forward. Read over the list of committees below and their planned action items see if there’s one you might want to join! Email info@lowellvotes.org to get connected.
Neighborhood and Multicultural, Meeting in February
- Recruit and advocate for translators at polling locations
- Engage with faith-based communities with information and encouragement
- Organize multi-ethnic meet ups for civic engagement in each neighborhood
Events, Next Meeting Tuesday, Jan 31
- Go to existing events to distribute voting information and register voters
- Identify events that will make biggest impact and recruit volunteers
- Plan a special summer/fall rally event
Canvassing and Voter Contact, House Party Meeting TBD
- Contact voters door-to-door to collect input into the questions for a candidate survey
- Later distribute voter guides door-to-door
- Consider a “non-binding” ballot initiative to drive civic engagement by underserved communities
Youth Outreach, TBD
- Organize and advocate for Civics Day at Lowell High School with meetings with councils, city officials, and shadowing in various departments
- Create a Youth Commission to advise City on Policies and provide input
- Lowell Votes Youth Survey to solicit input on how youth want to be involved
Media and Education, TBD
- Create a separate Twitter to re-tweet all local political topics
- Create section of website for candidates materials like press releases
- Create a multilingual candidate guide with informative website