Check Out our 2016 Resources!

We have all sorts of resources available to help make it easier to vote!

2016-lowellvoting-guide_page_1Our 2016 voter guide is available (774 kb, PDF) here. It has a FAQ and questions and answers for all competitive races!

Links to other forums, stories, and information are available here.

Finally, we co-sponsored a forum featuring Niki Tsongas (D-incumbent) and Ann Wofford (R), candidates for US Representative, 3rd MA district. The candidates answered questions from both adults and Lowell High students. Co-sponsors were League of Women Voters Concord Carlisle, Lowell High School, WCAP, and Lowell Educational Television, and Nancy Carapezza of LWV Wayland moderated. There were 400 people in attendance, as well as top Lowell school administrators. Watch it here:

3rd Congressional District Candidate Forum from Channel 22 on Vimeo.


Rally for Civic Engagement!

The “Rally for Civic Engagement” is Lowell Votes’ premiere annual event in which we invite all candidates running for office that will appear on a ballot in Lowell to give a short speech and then talk one-on-one with rally attendees. The 2016 Rally will be held on Friday, September 2, 6:30 pm on JFK Plaza in front of Lowell City Hall.

The event will feature nonprofit and advocacy group tables, music, and decorations in a festival-like setting. The new food truck “Let’s Roll” will be there. As a fun incentive, candidates will be given sashes and can earn badges by talking to the tabling groups and learning about the issues they care about.

Please join the event on Facebook and share the word!


Lowell Votes 2016 News!

We’ve got three exciting things to share this week!

The 2016 Primary Guide, a collaboration between Lowell Votes, Cambodian Mutual Assistance Association, and Coalition for a Better Acre, is here! Check it out if you live in the 18th Middlesex District: In Spanish, Khmer, and English!

Our first public meeting is Monday, August 22, 2016, at 6:30 pm, at the Pollard Memorial Library. Be there for food and workshopping our 2016 program. We can’t do it without you!

The 2016 Rally for Civic Engagement is coming September 2, 2016! We still have tables left for groups or nonprofits that want to collect signatures, share information, get volunteers, and most importantly meet the 2016 candidates for local and state offices!

Click on the images below for the high-resolution PDF version!

candidate guide for translation (2)-page-001

candidate guide for translation (2)-page-002

Polls open today, 7 am to 8 pm!

Today is the day to vote! Polls are open from 7 am to 8 pm. Visit the following link to learn your polling place:

Know the candidates! Read our Candidate Guide, check out other sources of info, or visit this Facebook group full of discussion and links.

Know your rights! If you need help, you may bring a voter guide, an assistant, or any other notes in to vote with you. Find out more here:

Know you’re helping! We still need volunteers to remind people to vote and assist them if they need help. You can phone bank from home or join us in the field and be entered to win a $25 gift card. Email if interested!

Finally, check out this youtube video from our Rally for Civic Engagement!