Looking for the full election guide? Click here!
City Council
This guide covers the eight district seats as well as the three city-wide at-large seats. What is listed here is based on public documents, social media posts, and other methods of communication and is listed to the best of our team’s knowledge.

School Committee
This guide covers the four district seats (composed out of the eight Council districts) as well as the two city-wide at-large seats. What is listed here is based on public documents, social media posts, and other methods of communication and is listed to the best of our team’s knowledge.

Looking for more information on the new districts?
We have a more detailed map available at https://www.lowellvotes.org/maps/ – you can also go to http://yourlowellyourvote.org to learn more about the process taken to create these and why!
Find an error? Have a suggestion?
Sorry about that! Email us, subject line “Map Correction” or “Map Suggestion” at info at lowellvotes dot org!