Take our Surveys

Who should fill out these surveys?:

Share with colleagues, neighbors, and friends who may be:

1. First-time or long-time voters! 

2. Poll workers, clerks, and wardens!

3. Those who didn’t vote and are interested in sharing why not. 

4. For partners: Those who participated this year and/or who hope to see civics education expanded in years to come.

Survey for voters and non-voters


Por favor compartir nuestra encuesta sobre tu experiencia de votación. ¡Hagamos que esta democracia funcione para todos los votantes y futuros votantes juntos! 


English survey here on voter and non-voter experiences. 
Many in our community often ask about turnout in Municipal Elections. We think it’s important to ask voters about their experiences as well as why people out there don’t vote.

Lowell organizational partners survey


English survey here for partner community organizations.
We want to ask you about how we can expand and grow partnerships. We also hope to highlight your issue-based organizing/advocacy work to help residents learn more about who is working on what issues in our community. Help us expand the Coalition through collective reflection and visioning for the future.


Suggestion Box


Have other ideas on how to make civic education fun year-round as well as more visible on election day? Submit your ideas here.

Buzones de Sugerencias Post-Elecciones